James “Jake” Edward Hoffman

May 31, 1991 –  January 21, 2013IMG_homeJEH

James Edward Hoffman or “Jake” as he was best known as was an all around good guy with captivatingly good looks and a warm smile. Jake was a kindhearted soul who went out of his way everyday of his life to help others feel comfortable and accepted. He was the kid everyone wanted as their friend.

On January 21, 2013 while in his senior year at UMASS Amherst, a fire swept through his apartment complex ending Jake’s life here with us. He was 21 years old at the time of his passing.

Jake left behind a legacy of good will. In the short 21 years he was with us, he showed us all how to give selflessly and from the heart. He was out going and polite, always the first to say hello, embrace you with a hug or hold his hand out to shake your hand. He made time for everyone and was a good friend. Jake played all sports as a kid but soccer became his life in high school. In his memory, we have created scholarships at Stoughton High School for academics and sports. Jake considered UMASS Amherst his second home. As a senior in the Isenberg School HTM program, Jake became heavily involved in clubs on campus. He was a member of MESIBA team, the Club Managers Association of America and had been elected the vice president of the Jewish Student Union. He loved attending UMASS Amherst Isenberg School and loved his life in Amherst. The James Edward Hoffman Memorial Endowment Scholarship was established officially in 2015 to honor Jakes’s memory through the act of giving.


Our mission is to continue Jake’s journey here on Earth through selflessly giving to those in need. We are blessed to have the resources to commit random acts of kindness in memory of his beautiful soul. We are grateful to all who help us on our quest to honor our son’s memory.

We give academic scholarships as well as soccer scholarships at Stoughton High School. We offer assistance to the local soccer program and offer to pay to play for families in need.

We are pleased to announce an Endowment Scholarship at UMASS Amherst to students attending the Isenberg School Hospitality & Tourism Management program. We also contribute to the fire safety program at UMASS Amherst off-campus student life.